Can you look up your divorce decree online?


Can You Look Up Your Divorce Decree Online?

Divorce can be a challenging and emotional process, and once it’s finalized, it’s natural to want to move on and put it all behind you. However, there may come a time when you need to access your divorce decree for various reasons. In today’s digital age, many people wonder if they can look up their divorce decree online. In this article, we will explore this question and provide you with the best tips on how to find your divorce decree online.

Understanding the Divorce Decree

Before diving into the process of looking up your divorce decree online, it’s essential to understand what a divorce decree is. A divorce decree is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of your divorce, including details about child custody, visitation rights, spousal support, division of assets, and more. It is a vital document that can be useful in various situations, such as applying for a mortgage, changing your name, or updating your legal documents.

1. Checking Local Court Websites

One of the first places you should look when trying to find your divorce decree online is your local court’s website. Many courts now provide online access to divorce records, making it convenient for individuals to retrieve their divorce decree. Start by searching for the website of the county or state where your divorce was finalized. Look for the “Court Records” or “Public Records” section, where you may find a search option to look up divorce records. Keep in mind that not all courts offer online access, so you may need to visit the courthouse in person if online access is not available.

2. Utilizing Online Divorce Record Databases

If your local court does not provide online access to divorce records, don’t worry. Several online databases specialize in providing access to public records, including divorce decrees. These databases collect data from various sources, including courts, and make it available to the public for a fee. Some popular online divorce record databases include, FamilySearch, and PublicRecordsNow. Ensure you choose a reputable database and be prepared to pay a fee for access to the desired records.

3. Hiring a Private Investigator

If you’ve exhausted your options of finding your divorce decree online, another route you can take is hiring a private investigator. Private investigators have access to resources and databases that are not available to the general public. They can help you locate your divorce decree quickly and efficiently. While this option may be more expensive, it can be worth it if you are struggling to find the document on your own.

4. Contacting Your Attorney

If all else fails, and you are unable to find your divorce decree online or through other means, reach out to your divorce attorney. Your attorney should have a copy of your divorce decree in their files. They can provide you with a copy or guide you on the necessary steps to obtain one. Remember to provide your attorney with all the necessary details, such as the date of your divorce and the court where it was finalized.

5. Requesting Records from the Vital Records Office

In some cases, divorce records may be available through the vital records office in the state where your divorce took place. This option is usually applicable if your divorce was finalized relatively recently. Contact the vital records office and inquire about their process for obtaining divorce records. Be prepared to provide identification and pay a fee for the records.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Question: Can I look up my divorce decree online for free?
Answer: While some courts may provide free online access to divorce records, it is not always the case. Many online databases charge a fee for access to divorce records. However, you may be able to access your divorce decree for free by visiting the courthouse in person.

Question: How long does it take to get a copy of my divorce decree?
Answer: The time it takes to obtain a copy of your divorce decree can vary depending on the method you choose. If you access it online, it can be instantaneous. However, if you need to request it from the courthouse or vital records office, it may take a few days to a few weeks to process your request.

Question: Can I get a divorce decree from another state online?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to obtain a divorce decree from another state online. You will need to follow the same steps outlined in this article, but keep in mind that the process may differ slightly depending on the state’s regulations.

Question: Can I obtain a certified copy of my divorce decree online?
Answer: While some online databases may offer certified copies of divorce decrees, it is more common to obtain a certified copy directly from the court or vital records office. Check with the respective authority to determine their process for obtaining a certified copy.

Question: What information do I need to provide to look up my divorce decree online?
Answer: To look up your divorce decree online, you will typically need to provide details such as your full name, your ex-spouse’s full name, the date of your divorce, and the court where it was finalized. Providing as much accurate information as possible will help ensure a successful search.

Common Misconceptions:

Misconception: All divorce decrees are available online.
Answer: While many courts now offer online access to divorce records, it is not true for all jurisdictions. Some courts may not have digitized their records or may have restrictions on public access to divorce decrees. In such cases, you may need to explore other options for obtaining your divorce decree.

Misconception: I can find my divorce decree on social media or search engines.
Answer: Divorce decrees are legal documents and are not typically made publicly available on social media platforms or search engines. Searching for your divorce decree on these platforms is unlikely to yield any results. Stick to the methods outlined in this article to increase your chances of finding your divorce decree.

Misconception: I don’t need my divorce decree once my divorce is finalized.
Answer: Your divorce decree is an essential document that can have long-term implications. It may be required for various purposes, such as changing your name, updating legal documents, or applying for a mortgage. It is crucial to keep a copy of your divorce decree in a safe place even after your divorce is finalized.

Misconception: I can only obtain my divorce decree from the court where my divorce was finalized.
Answer: While it is common to obtain your divorce decree from the court where your divorce was finalized, you may also be able to request it from the vital records office in the state where your divorce took place. Explore both options to determine the most convenient and accessible route for obtaining your divorce decree.

In conclusion, while looking up your divorce decree online can be a convenient option, it may not always be possible or readily available. Start by checking your local court’s website and utilizing online divorce record databases. If these options don’t yield results, consider hiring a private investigator or reaching out to your attorney. Remember to keep a copy of your divorce decree in a safe place for future reference.

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